Etsy is a great website for crafters. Embroiderglyphs has a store within the Etsy website. Over the years at Etsy, we have discovered other great stores there. Below is a list of the stores we feel deserve to be included in, “The Best of Etsy.” If you are interested, Beth has a favorites page, with a much larger list of items, and stores.
Items for Women:
JamieSpinello (Very cool copper jewelry)
Lammergeier (Copper Jewelry, Bohemian Jewelry, Copper Earrings) Beth has received very cool copper & turquoise earrings from her children from this store.
prairieoats (Very nice jewelry) Beth has received earrings from her children from this store.
AnaKoutsi (Very nice purses & clutches — from Athens, Greece) John has purchased a clutch for Beth from this store. It took sometime to get here, but is was worth it.
LaurenSumnerPottery (Modern handmade ceramics: coasters, bowls, vases) John has purchased a few items for Beth from this store.
ChronoZone (Steampunk wearable art)
FMLdesign (nice purses & clutches — from Italy)
Stilltreejewellery (Unique Feather Jewelry with Modern Design)
LaurenceCollection (jewelry & earrings)
GalliniDesign (cool lights)
thailights (cool lights from Thailand)
jbls (Joe Bennett Glass Designs)
JezebelCharms (Very cool copper jewelry — especially the bracelets)
ShishLOOKdesign (Handmade felted items)
NataliaKh (very nice jewelry)
BlueMagpieDesign (Handmade Unique Ceramics and Paintings)
LJGreywolf (American Indian Beadwork)
SilverLeafCostumes (Custom Costumes — check out the fantastic steampunk outfits — they are crazy!)
shadyplace (Hand Made Lamps & Shades)
gringrimaceandsqueak (Handmade masquerade masks, crowns)
paintedcottages (Very nice custom furniture)
BruteForceStudios, Discombobulous (More crazy steampunk — you just don't happen upon stores like this.)
JLWoodTurning (Wood-turned bowls)
Items for Men:
oceanarts10 (Extremely cool carvings at a reasonable price, be sure you check out the Freshwater Fish carvings category.)
JimArnoldsChessSets (Extremely cool, custom carved chess boards)
TheFirePitGallery (Truly amazing firepits)
TheWoodenFishMarket (Amazing modern fish sculptures)
ArtemisArchery (Custom recurve archery bows)
Mrfrankscorner (Hand Carved Waterfowl, Birds, Lamps and Ornaments)
HousatonicCanoeShop (Handmade canoes)
SpyhopCreations (Northwest Coast Native Sculpture — including masks & totems — very cool)
arcadiancraftsman (Custom Handcrafted Leather Hatchet or Axe Scabbards)
MillyDilly (This guy makes cedar canoes)
JayBearKnives (Custom Knife Maker)
PintoCustomBlades (Some of the smaller knifes would be great for field dressing)
BushcraftWeapons (Custom skinning knives & hatchets)
GreekMythos (Museum quality bronzework)
RockyGapArtifacts (Authentic Native American Artifacts)
WiredbyBud (Nice wire sculptures)
RiverOtterRustic (Whimsical wood carvings)
EthnicsLife (Interesting bronze sculptures)
WestenbergMTWoodwork (This guy makes classic Ojibwa snowshoes)
Not on Etsy — but should be:
James Acord's Leather (You must see these fly fishing cases & fishing reel cases!)